What is the meaning of the Blood being applied?
It is that which is the absolute sinlessness of the Lord Jesus being the ground upon which we stand.
That gives us authority, gives us power.
It is the essential perfection of Christ as being the ground of our confidence, our faith, our trust and our testimony.
If we stand in ourselves we are defeated.
There are no perfections in us, there is nothing in us whatever that can bring Satan to naught and deliver us from his accusations and from his position of power over us.
But when we stand in Christ, in all the perfection of His nature, of His being, in the absolute sinlessness of Christ represented in that incorruptible Blood, there is deliverance.
And so that Blood poured out becomes active, operative, in motion, and it is a great thing to have the perfections of the Lord in motion on our behalf, flowing, active to meet all the accusations of the enemy.
The accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accuseth them before our God day and night.
Why? Because they are not standing now on the ground of their own imperfection and sinfulness and weakness and faultiness, but they are now standing on the ground of His absolute perfection, and bearing testimony thereto:
The word of their testimony. "They overcame because of the blood."
It is a question of a ground of absolute holiness, absolute holiness not in ourselves but in Him, and our appropriating by faith and apprehending by faith all that the LORD Jesus is in His essential being as the spotless Lamb of GOD for us to GOD, from GOD to us.
We can never reiterate that note too often. That is the ground of victory.
Give the enemy one little fragment of old Adam, of the flesh, of self, of sin, and he immediately takes the place of power and immediately brings you under accusation and begins to weaken both life and ministry.
You know this is true; if you do not you will find it out.
But stand continuously in the efficacy of that Blood, stand continuously in your receiving by faith of all that the LORD Jesus is made unto you from GOD, clear up everything concerning which the Holy Spirit speaks in conviction, clear it up in virtue of that Blood, and the enemy is ruled out, he is not in the place of power.
~T. Austin Sparks~
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