Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Works Of The Devil Destroyed

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15
This is the first gospel sermon that was ever delivered   upon the surface of this earth. It was a memorable discourse indeed, with Jehovah Himself for the preacher, and the whole human race and the prince of darkness for the audience. It is worthy of our heartiest attention.   

Is it not remarkable that this great gospel promise should have been delivered so soon after the transgression? As yet no sentence had been pronounced upon the offenders. Truly “mercy rejoiceth against judgment.” Let us rejoice, then, in the swift mercy of God, which in the early watches of the night of sin came with comfortable words unto us.

These words were not directly spoken to Adam and Eve, but they were directed distinctly to the serpent himself, by way of punishment to him for what he had done. It was a day of cruel triumph to him.

But now God comes in, takes up the quarrel personally, and causes him to be disgraced on the very battle-field upon which he had gained a temporary success. He tells the dragon that He will undertake to deal with him; this quarrel shall not between the serpent and man, but between God and the serpent.

Perhaps, however, by thus obliquely giving the promise, the Lord meant to say, “Not for your sakes do I this, O fallen man and woman; but for My own name and honor sake." 

All this would be very humbling but yet consolatory to our parents if they thought of it, seeing that mercy given for God’s sake is always to our troubled apprehension more sure than any favor which could be promised to us for our own sake.

Now we must note concerning this first gospel sermon that on it the earliest believers stayed themselves. [It] lit up the world to all believers until the Lord was pleased to give more light, and to renew and enlarge the revelation of His covenant. 

The conflict and the conquest are both in the compass of these few fruitful words. They may not have been fully understood by those who first heard them, but to us they are now full of light. The text at first looks like a flint, hard and cold; but sparks fly from it plentifully, for hidden fires of infinite love and grace lie concealed within.

There was enmity between Christ and Satan, for He came to destroy the works of the devil and to deliver those who are under bondage to him.

[In Gethsemane ] our Champion began the last fight of all and won it to the bruising of the serpent’s head. Nor did He end till He had spoiled principalities and powers and made a show of them openly.

The conflict our glorious Lord continues in his seed. We preach Christ crucified, and every sermon shakes the gates of hell. We bring sinners to Jesus by the Spirit’s power, and every convert is a stone torn down from the wall of Satan’s mighty castle. 

The serpent’s head is broken in us. The chosen seed consent with their heart to the law of God that it is good, and they sigh and cry that they may be helped to obey it, for they are no longer under the slavery of sin; the serpent’s reigning power and dominion is broken in them.

It is broken next in this way, that the guilt of sin is gone. The great power of the serpent lies in unpardoned sin. 

We are delivered from the curse and are now blessed, for it is written, “Blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered.”

Oftentimes the Lord also grants us to know what it is to overcome temptation, and so to break the head of the fiend.

Job conquered when he cried, “Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him.” A feeble man had vanquished a devil who could raise the wind and blow down an house, and destroy the family who were feasting in it.

Moreover, dear brethren, we have this hope that the very being of sin in us will be destroyed. The day will come when we shall stand before the throne of God, having suffered no injury whatever from the fall and from all the machinations of Satan, for “they are without fault before the throne of God.

Every time any one of us is made useful in saving souls we do as it were repeat the bruising of the serpent’s head.

Whenever in any way you are blessed to the aiding of truth and righteousness in the world, you, too, who were once beneath his power, and even now have sometimes to suffer from his nibbling at your heel, you tread upon his head.

Exercise faith in the promise and be comforted. The text evidently encouraged Adam very much. Adam acted in faith upon what God said, for we read, “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve (or Life); because she was the mother of all living.”

As the life was to come through her by virtue of the promised seed, Adam marks his full conviction of the truth of the promise though at the time the woman had borne no children.

Exercise like faith, my brother, on the far wider revelation which God has given to you, and always extract the utmost comfort from it.

Make a point, whenever you receive a promise from God, to get all you can out of it: if you carry out that rule, it is wonderful what comfort you will gain. God’s word is to be understood at the maximum, for He will do exceeding abundantly above what you ask or even think.

Let us resist the devil always with this belief, that he has received a broken head. Let us do this bravely, and tell him to his teeth that we are not afraid of him.

Tell him to recollect his bruised head, which he tries to cover with a crown of pride.

We know him, and see the deadly wound he bears. His power is gone; he is fighting a lost battle; he is contending against omnipotence.

Therefore, brethren, be ye steadfast in resisting the evil one, being strong in faith, giving glory to God.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Thursday, September 26, 2013

We Must Trust

It is for us to trust, to trust wholly in the Lord Jesus. This is the only way in which we can conquer fear and live in blessed victory.

I have had times in my life and ministry when the burdens and the pressures seemed to be too much. 

Sometimes physical weariness adds to our problems and our temptation to give in to discouragement and doubt. 

At these times it seems that even in prayer it is impossible to rise above the load.

More than once, by faith that seemed to have been imparted directly from heaven, the Word has enabled me to claim all that I needed for body, soul and spirit.
On my knees I have been given freedom and strength to pray, "Now, Lord, I have had enough of this - I refuse to take any more of this heaviness and oppression! This does not come from God?this comes from my enemy, the devil! Lord, in Jesus' name, I will not take it any longer - through Jesus Christ I am victor!"

At these times, great burdens have just melted and rolled away all at once!

Brethren, God never meant for us to be kicked around like a football. 

He wants us to be humble and let Him do the chastening when necessary. 

But when the devil starts tampering with you, dare to resist him!

I stand for believing in God and defying the devil - and our God loves that kind of courage among His people.

If you are still wrapped in grave clothes and great fears lie upon you, it is time for you to dare to rise and in sweet faith in the risen Jesus Christ declare: "I will not take this any longer. I am a child of God ?why should I go mourning all the day?"

Will God answer?

All right, My child He will answer as the burden rolls away, "I have waited long to hear you say that. Jesus is Victor and in Him you overcome!"

~A. W. Tozer~

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We Must Get Free

I think we had better get free! We must face up to the issues and attitudes and doubts which constitute our fears, that keep us from being happy and victorious Christians with the true liberty of the children of God.

We seem to quake about many things. In the first place, are you still afraid of your past sins? God knows that sin is a terrible thing?and the devil knows it, too. So he follows us around and as long as we will permit it, he will taunt us about our past sins.

As for myself, I have learned to talk back to him on this score. I say, "Yes, Devil, sin is terrible-but I remind you that I got it from you! And I remind you, Devil, that everything good -forgiveness and cleansing and blessing-everything that is good I have freely received from Jesus Christ!" 

Everything that is bad and that is against me I got from the devil -so why should he have the effrontery and the brass to argue with me about it? Yet he will do it because he is the devil, and he is committed to keeping God's children shut up in a little cage, their wings clipped so that they can never fly!

In our churches we often sing, "Arise, my soul, arise; shake off thy guilty fears." But nothing happens and we keep our fears. 

Why do we claim on one hand that our sins are gone and on the other act just as though they are not gone? Brethren, we have been declared "Not Guilty!" by the highest court in all the universe.

Still there are honest Christians, earnestly seeking the face of God, who cannot seem to break loose and find real freedom. The grave clothes trip them up every time they try to move on a little faster. Satan uses their past sins to terrify them.
Now, on the basis of grace as taught in the Word of God, when God forgives a man, He trusts him as though he had never sinned. 

God did not have mental reservations about any of us when we became His children by faith. When God forgives a man, He doesn't think, I will have to watch this fellow because he has a bad record " No, He starts with him again as though he had just been created and as if there had been no past at all! That is the basis of our Christian assurance-and God wants us to be happy in it.

~A. W. Tozer~

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Church~DIFFERENT From The World

Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate," says the Lord. "Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you."

The church's mightiest influence is felt when she is different from the world in which she lives. Her power lies in her being different, rises with the degree in which she differs and sinks as the difference diminishes.

This is so fully and clearly taught in the Scriptures and so well illustrated in Church history that it is hard to see how we can miss it. But miss it we do, for we hear constantly that the Church must try to be as much like the world as possible, excepting, of course,  where the world is too, too sinful....

Let us plant ourselves on the hill of Zion and invite the world to come over to us, but never under any circumstances will we go over to them. 

The cross is the symbol of Christianity, and the cross speaks of death and separation, never of compromise.

No one ever compromised with a cross. The cross separated between the dead and the living. 

The timid and the fearful will cry "Extreme!" and they will be right. The cross is the essence of all that is extreme and final. 

The message of Christ is a call across a gulf from death to life, from sin to righteousness and from Satan to God. 

Lord, help me to be willing to be different. Forgive me for the sin of blending in. I pray that our neighbors would see something different in our church and our people and be drawn to the Savior. Amen.

~A. W. Tozer~ 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Loneliness Of The Christian

The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in
an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well as from that of the unregenerate world.
His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his absorptions in the love of Christ; and because with his circle of friends there are few who share his inner experiences, he's forced to walk alone.
The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord himself suffered in the  same way.  

The man (or woman) who has passed on into the divine Presence
in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him.

He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme
object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk.   

For this he earns the reputation of being dull and over-serious, so he is avoided, and the gulf between him and society widens.

He searches for the friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces,
and finding few or none, he, like Mary of old, keeps these things
in his heart.   

It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His
inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else.

~A. W. Tozer~

Monday, September 2, 2013

Faithful Friendship

If you are a follower of Jesus—if you are now in the blood lineage of Christ—Satan will try to bring into your life someone to destroy everything godly in you!

Right now, you may be thinking, "Wait a minute! I don't want to start doubting my friends or suddenly become suspicious of them." If they are true friends, knit to your heart in the Spirit of Christ, you have nothing to fear in examining your relationships with them. You should look at all your friendships in the light of Scripture.

It is easy to determine whether your close friendships are of God, or if they have been planted by the enemy to destroy you. Simply think of your best friend, and then answer these questions:

* Does he (or she) gossip, backbite or speak evil of others?
* Is he argumentative about Scripture, a continual debater never
   coming to truth?
* Does he call godly people "Pharisees"?
* Do you detect in his words a spirit of disobedience, envy or
* Does he spew out poisonous words against his spouse?
* Has he succeeded in planting unkind thoughts in your mind
   about others?
* Have you begun to join him in spewing out bitterness?

If your friend fits this description—and you are being drawn farther away from Jesus because of this friendship—then you can know the devil has planted that person in your life. He has the spirit of Ahab and he has been sent to destroy the work of Christ in you!

On the other hand, a true, godly friend will always take the side of God's Word in any matter, and not just your side because you are friends. Such a friend will not counsel you in the bitterness of sin. Instead, he will love you enough to tell you the truth.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful Proverbs 27:6

~David Wilkerson~