Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I have chosen who I want to be to you, how I want you to see Me. I want you to know Me as your loving heavenly Father." I did not choose Him. Rather, this is the role He chose to be to me a Father.

Is God ruler of heaven and earth? Is He Almighty? Is He  Omnipotent? Does He sit
  King of the flood? The answer to all these questions, of course, is yes. But in these last days, God wants us to have another revelation of Him: "I want to be a Father to you and I want you to be a son or daughter to Me."

Jesus walked the earth His whole lifetime knowing who the Father was, knowing
  His will, hearing His voice. He lived every hour under the sunlight of His love, never in confusion or doubt. Therefore, He could face anything the enemy threw at Him any trial, any hardship because He knew His Father was with Him. He could say, "I know I have a Father who sent Me. He chose Me and appointed Me. And He is with me always. I am never alone!"

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they
  also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me (John 17:21).

Jesus was saying, "You say you want to know Me, and that is right and good. But
  now I want you to know My Father. I want you to know Him as I knew and enjoyed Him as Father!"

The Father tells us, "I want to hover over you, to be your protector, to drive
  out all demonic attacks, to supply every need, to see you through all your trials. Let Me be your Father!"

Think of it: He chose you out of all the hundreds of millions of people on the
  face of the earth. Yet He not only chose you, but He adopted you as His child. His Spirit tells you to cry, "Abba! You are my Father. You are not just Abraham's Father, or Peter’s and Paul's, but mine.

~David Wilkerson~