Sunday, January 4, 2015

Warfare In View

There is one thing of which we must take note right at the beginning. This movement from the wilderness, through the Jordan and into the land, was entirely with warfare in view. 

It is necessary for young Christians especially to recognize this, but if the older ones are wondering why there is so much conflict in the Christian life, we had better remind ourselves at once that that is the nature of the testimony of Jesus.

If we are really associated in heart with the testimony of Jesus we are going to find that we are committed to warfare.

Perhaps we know the fact of conflict, but we very often have questions about it, and even think sometimes that because of the conflict things are all wrong. 

I think it would be right to say that any Christian who knows nothing about conflict has not really entered fully into the meaning of the Christian life.

Of course, we all sing very heartily "Onward, Christian soldiers!", but we have some very big questions when we find ourselves in the battle. 

The journey of the testimony of Jesus is therefore a journey of warfare.

I remember hearing a very famous preacher put it this way: On Sunday morning the Christians go to church and sing "Onward, Christian soldiers!"; on Monday night they go to the theater; on Tuesday night they say: "We will have a cocktail party"; on Wednesday night they decide to go to the pictures; on Thursday night they play cards at home; on Friday night they go off and visit some of their friends; on Saturday night they say: 'Now, what shall we do tonight?' - and on Sunday morning:"Onward, Christian soldiers!"

Now, that may not be true of any of you, but a Christianity that only sings about Christian soldiers and never goes into the battle is not true Christianity.

So I remind you that when we come to the Book of Joshua there is a movement entirely with warfare in view.

In chapter one the Lord is preparing Joshua for the battle, and the word which constantly occurs is: "Be of good courage."

'Courage' is a great word in that chapter! 

Joshua was a man of courage before - all his history shows him to be so - but this new movement needs more courage than ever before.

The ark is moving on to new ground, and there are many great enemies to this testimony.

In chapter two the Lord commands that they send out their spies in order to take the measure of the people, so that the people of Israel might really recognize what they are up against.

So in chapter one there is the preparation of the leader and the people for war, and in chapter two the being quite intelligent as to the kind of enemy that they have to deal with.

Then, with those two things done, in chapter three the ark comes to the foremost place. 

So chapter three is our present occupation, for it is the ark, or the testimony, with which we are occupied. 

~T. Austin Sparks~

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