Friday, December 27, 2013


 As you consider the struggles Israel went through, you might be tempted to say, “God, aren’t You expecting too much? They’re scared, and rightly so. How could they be tempting You when they’re just crying out of their need?”

Yet, remember that these people had been well fed and well taught, immersed in signs and miracles. They were not spiritual novices nor were they without a caring shepherd. Every day they had a visible, sheltering cloud as evidence that God was present with them. And every night they had the comforting glow of a fire in the sky. Each morning they found manna on the ground, faithfully sent from heaven. God had provided Israel with everything they needed to build their faith!

Our Lord is not making small talk when He warns, “Without faith you cannot please Me. You must truly believe that I AM and that I will always reward faith. Therefore, I expect my well-fed, well-trained children to trust in Me!”

What about the test you have been facing? What does God want from you in your difficult time?

He wants you to believe His word—His promises! He wants you to fully trust that He is with you in your struggle. It does not matter if all hell is coming at you, His presence will never be taken from you, even in the midst of your fears and tears. No dart of the devil—no powerful attack against you—will destroy you. Your Father already has a plan of deliverance in place.

God is waiting for you to cling to Him in blind trust. He wants you to be able to face all your ferocious temptations, and say, “I may not understand this but I know my Lord will not forsake me. I am trusting Him to see me through!”

Your battle will end only when you come to full trust in the Lord, believing He is with you in power and in love. So put aside every thought that God has shut His eyes to your circumstances. That is tempting Him and putting Him to a test to prove His faithfulness. Yet He has already proven it many times over!

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it

(1 Corinthians 10:13).

God is saying, “You're not going down. I am with you through all of this! If you will just seek My face and trust Me, I will bring you through—because I am always with you!”

~David Wilkerson~

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