Thursday, June 27, 2013


The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever
2 Timothy 4:18.

The word preserve here means "to guard, protect, keep, make safe, hedge about."

God is saying, "I'm going to guard you, protect you, keep you, make you safe, hedge you about so the devil cannot touch you. I Myself will deliver you into My heavenly kingdom.

Do you see what a liar the devil is? He says he is going to get you but all the while, God has promised to keep you!

Not long ago, I had an incredible experience. I had risen early to pray and was sitting in my living room with my Bible. Suddenly Satan began to intrude into my mind. He screamed vile, threatening curses at me: "You are going to be destroyed! You've spent a lifetime serving God for nothing and now I'm going to get you and cast you down in your final years."

I saw before me all the evangelists Satan had brought down in recent years. The devil shouted, "I got all of them and they loved Jesus just as you do. Why do you think you're so special? You're no good, nothing but a liar and a cheat, and I'm going to shut you and your ministry down for good!"

It was the most devastating attack I have ever felt in my life. I was overwhelmed—the attack literally took my breath away! But then the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I stood up in a holy anger, bound Satan and cast him out of my presence.

Devil, you're a liar and the father of all lies! I rebuked him with God's Word—and God's Word delivered me from all fear!

Beloved, God wants to do the same for you. Will you let Him? Listen again to God's Word to you: "He preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked" 

Psalm 97:10.

The Lord will guard you, protect you, keep you, put a hedge all about you—until the day Jesus returns! 

~David Wilkerson~

Saturday, June 22, 2013

GOD Must Be Loved for Himself

GOD BEING WHO HE is must always be sought for Himself, never as a means toward something else.

Whoever seeks other objects and not God is on his own; he may obtain those objects if he is able, but he will never have God.

God is never found accidentally. "Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13) .

Whoever seeks God as a means toward desired ends will not find God. The mighty God, the maker of heaven and earth, will not be one of many treasures, not even the chief of all treasures.

He will be all in all or He will be nothing. God will not be used.

His mercy and grace are infinite and His patient understanding is beyond measure, but He will not aid men in their selfish striving after personal gain. 

He will not help men to attain ends which, when attained, usurp the place He by every right should hold in their interest and affection.

Yet popular Christianity has as one of its most effective talking points the idea that God exists to help people to get ahead in this world. The God of the poor has become the God of an affluent society. Christ no longer refuses to be a judge or a divider between money hungry brothers. He can now be persuaded to assist the brother that has accepted Him to get the better of the brother who has not.

A crass example of the modern effort to use God for selfish purposes is the well-known comedian who, after repeated failures, promised someone he called God that if He would help him to make good in the entertainment world he would repay Him by giving generously to the care of sick children. Shortly afterward he hit the big time in the night clubs and on television. He has kept his word and is raising large sums of money to build children's hospitals. These contributions to charity, he feels, are a small price to pay for a success in one of the sleaziest fields of human endeavor.

One might excuse the act of this entertainer as something to be expected of a twentieth century pagan; but that multitudes of evangelicals in North America should actually believe that God had anything to do with the whole business is not so easily overlooked.

This low and false view of Deity is one major reason for the immense popularity God enjoys these days among well-fed Westerners.

The teaching of the Bible is that God is Himself the end for which man was created. Whom have I in heaven but thee? cried the psalmist, and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee
Psa. 73: 25. 

The first and greatest commandment is to love God with every power of our entire being. 

Where love like that exists there can be no place for a second object. 

If we love God as much as we should surely we cannot dream of a loved object beyond Him which He might help us to obtain.

Bernard of Clairvaux begins his radiant little treatise on the love of God with a question and an answer. The question, Why should we love God? The answer, Because He is God.

He develops the idea further, but for the enlightened heart little more need be said. We should love God because He is God. Beyond this the angels cannot think.

Being who He is, God is to be loved for His own sake

He is the reason for our loving Him, just as He is the reason for His loving us and for every other act He has performed, is performing and will perform world without end.

God's primary reason for everything is His own good pleasure.

The search for secondary reasons is gratuitous and mostly futile. It affords occupation for theologians and adds pages to books on doctrine, but that it ever turns up any true explanations is doubtful.

But it is the nature of God to share. 

His mighty acts of creation and redemption were done for His good pleasure, but His pleasure extends to all created things. 

One has but to look at a healthy child at play or listen to the song of a bird at sundown and he will know that God meant His universe to be a joyful one.

Those who have been spiritually enabled to love God for Himself will find a thousand fountains springing up from the rainbow circled throne and bringing countless treasures which are to be received with reverent thanksgiving as being the overflow of God's love for His children.

Each gift is a bonus of grace which because it was not sought for itself may be enjoyed without injury to the soul. 

These include the simple blessings of life, such as health, a home, a family, congenial friends, food, shelter, the pure joys of nature or the more artificial pleasures of music and art.

The effort to find these treasures by direct search apart from God has been the major activity of mankind through the centuries; and this has been man's burden and man's woe. 

The effort to gain them as the ulterior motive back of accepting Christ may be something new under the sun; but new or old it is an evil that can only bring judgment at last.

God wills that we should love Him for Himself alone with no hidden reasons, trusting Him to be to us all our natures require.

Our Lord said all this much better: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"
Matt. 6:33.

~A. W. Tozer~

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The Bible says that in the last days scoffers will appear, mocking the message that Jesus Christ is going to return to set up a new kingdom. 

Mockers are saying, "Where is Jesus? I don't see any evidence that He is coming. Everything continues as it has from the beginning!"

If you were to try to convince these scoffers that Jesus is coming to purge the earth with fire and set up a kingdom of eternal righteousness, they would call you insane. 

Many ridicule the very idea of a second coming of Christ. Yet, without batting an eye, these same mockers turn around and claim that a "new world order" is coming!

Such scoffers have bought into a lie from hell.  

Satan always manufactures a counterfeit just before the real thing comes. You see, he knows King Jesus is about to return and that His new world is at the door.

The devil wants to keep his own children deceived by promoting a fantasy world, with every false hope.

So now he has concocted a new, demonic doctrine of a coming New Age to keep people from accepting the reality of the coming Christ!

This most recent New Age counterfeit first appeared as the Age of Aquarius. The eleventh constellation was to move into a final, New Age kingdom, which would be known as the new world order.

New Agers say this new world order is just about to dawn.

They predict a catastrophic calamity will occur and a new world order will arise out of the chaos, ushering in a society of love, understanding and world peace. All diseases will be cured. Wars will cease. Poverty will be no more. And the only Christ that will exist will be a Christ-consciousness—a worldwide mindset of brotherhood. Self-love will be king, and pleasure will be the focus of all.

I have bad news for all such New Age scoffers. I am sorry but you have been hoodwinked by the devil. There is no such thing as the fantasy world he is pushing on humankind in these last days.

Oh, there is a new world coming, all right, but it isn't a new world order or a New Age. Rather, every kingdom of this world is soon to become our Lord's and
all His enemies will become His footstool. 

Christ is coming back to establish His holy kingdom, and scoffers will not have any part in it: 

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness (2 Peter 3:13).

~David Wilkerson~

Saturday, June 15, 2013


 A key message for believers today is that God has the future all preprogrammed.

He knows the exact moment Christ will return, and the final Tribulation, the Judgment and the Battle of Armageddon are all on His calendar.

The God who controls all of heaven and earth said, "The nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance. . . . All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing"

 Isaiah 40:15, 17.

God wants us to keep working until the return of Christ. That simply means that we are to work as though the end will never come, and live as though it were coming tomorrow.

God is still keeping count of the hairs on our heads. He is still counting the sparrows that fall, still hearing petitions before they are asked, and still answering before being called. He is still giving abundantly more than we can ask or think. So why be afraid? (See Matthew 6:25-34.)

Prepared Christians, wake up!

Everything is under control, and God is at work!

He is saving, healing, baptizing, and getting His house in order.

To fear is to blaspheme. We are commanded to encourage ourselves in the Lord and to begin to sing and rejoice as we see the final hour approaching.

Someone may ask, "But how can I rejoice when I see this old sin-cursed world falling apart?"

My answer is the Bible answer: "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain . . . waiting for the adoption . . . the redemption"
(Romans 8:22-23).

A woman in labor may scream because of pain, yet in her heart she rejoices because of the new birth taking place.

The kingdom of God is coming. The kingdom of Satan is falling. 

So the Christian can say with confidence, “God has everything under control!”

~David Wilkerson~

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Postition Of Saying "It Is The LORD"!


You know that those who are not the Lord's people are not alive to the fact that they are dead.

Death is not the great reality to them until they come to their body dying. But in their ordinary life when things are going on and there is health and provision, death is no reality to them. 

But death is brought home to the child of God. Immediately we get into God's hands this thing begins to be brought home to us - that we are not much good, we cannot stand up to things, we cannot go through. Our natural life and resources do not count here.

The course of a true Christian life in the hands of God is that of being more and more brought to the experience of helplessness. Is that not true? Yes, of helplessness, of the impossibility of everything.

Do not think things have gone wrong if that is becoming your consciousness.

You may take it that you are in an immature spiritual stage if you have not come to that realization that in the realm into which you have been introduced in your relationship with God, you have no resource. You are as a dead man. The death fact is brought home to you, is made real.

Ah, but on the other side, resurrection is taking a certain form over against that. With that background and with that basis, more and more the child of God is being brought to the position where he or she has to say: 'That was the Lord, it is the Lord; I cannot account for that, I am not the one who accounts for that, it is all of God', and you know quite well that resurrection is all of God.

You can go a long way in many clever things and inventions, but you have not got as far as raising the dead yet. That is God's prerogative. That is only God.

And so in the hands of God the child of God is being brought progressively more and more, and still more, to the place where they have to say, 'It is of God, it is all of God' and that is the testimony coming out. The Lord did that, the Lord is doing this. 

Is that not in Israel's history in the wilderness? See how again and again they were brought to an end, which did seem to be an end... nothing beyond this, and then they had to come out with a new song - "The Lord did it!"

It is victory over death, it is the power of resurrection Life.

~T. Austin Sparks~

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Seeing And Accepting Things Into God's Light


The importance and value of seeing and accepting things into God's light.This applied both to Paul and to those who were brought into touch with him. For the Apostle the settling in to the sovereign ordering of God in his imprisonment issued in increasing illumination leading to spiritual emancipation.

No one can fail to recognize the tremendous enrichment of ministry as contained in what are called "the Prison Epistles".  If he had been restive, piqued, rebellious, or bitter, there would have been no open heaven, and a spirit of controversy with the Lord would have closed and bolted the door to the fuller Divine unveilings and clarifyings.

When all was accepted according to the mind of the Lord, then "the heavenly places" became the eternal expanses of his walking about, and earthly bondage gave place to heavenly freedom. So it must be with every instrument set apart in relation to the higher interests of the Lord's testimony. 

Then the reading of certain passages in his letters and the record of his imprisonment shows how this applied to others. Take the following:-

"Be not ashamed therefore of the testimony of the Lord, nor of me his prisoner" (2 Tim. 1:8).
"And he abode two whole years in his own hired dwelling, and received all that went in unto him. ...teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus" (Acts 28:30).
 "The Lord grant mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus: for oft he refreshed me, and he was not ashamed of my chain; but, when he was in Rome, he sought me diligently, and found me" (2 Tim. 1:6).
Clearly the effect of these passages is that there had to be a Divine apprehension and not merely a human appraisal of Paul's position.

Human levels of mentality would have produced an atmosphere of doubt, suspicion, question, and would have let in elements of false imputation. 

Regarded on merely natural lines, association with the prisoner would have involved such associates in the suspicion and prejudice.

Doubt of the Lord's servant was very widespread, and even many of the Lord's people were not sure of him.

But the Lord was shutting up a very vital revelation to this channel, and for such as were really in spiritual need, and such as were to stand in a living relation to fullness of testimony from identification with Christ in death and resurrection, on to throne-union with Him, power over "Principalities, Powers" etc., and on to the ministry "in the ages to come", there had to be a putting aside of all human, personal, and diplomatic considerations and a standing right in there with the instrument where God put it in honorable imprisonment. 

For possession of which is to come through the vessel, there has to be a coming where the vessel is, without consideration for reputation, influence, or popularity.

In this way the Lord sifts His people and finds out who really is wholly for Himself and His testimony, and who is actuated in any measure by other considerations and interests.

The instrument in this position of popular rejection is thus the Lord's means of searching, and it will thus meet their need. 

~T. Austin Sparks~